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What If I Have COVID-19?

 Q: What is the process when someone reports a positive COVID-19 Status?

A.  Here is the flow diagram of the process.  NOTE: this does not include the Human Resources portions for employee who need to request time off etc.   Employees will work with their HR Contact for questions on leave. 

Q: Why does NSU want me to report if I have COVID-19?

A. NSU is supporting the Department of Health (DOH) in their endeavour to reduce exposures to COVID-19 positive individuals.  In order to do this well, NSU asks students and staff to complete an online form with information the DOH requests to have for their efforts. CLICK HERE FOR FORMS

Q: I am worried about missing class, who can I contact?

A. Each college has appointed a COVID Coordinator to assist students. Find yours on this LIST.

Q: What is considered a direct exposure?

A. The CDC considers someone to have been exposed when they have had close contact (< 6 feet) for ≥15 minutes to a person with COVID-19 who has symptoms (in the period from 2 days before symptom onset until they meet criteria for discontinuing home isolation; can be laboratory-confirmed or a clinically compatible illness or a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 (laboratory confirmed) but has not had any symptoms (in the 2 days before the date of specimen collection until they meet criteria for discontinuing home isolation).

Q: What do I do if I had an exposure?

A. If you have been recently vaccinated (it has been less than 6 months since your booster or mRNA vaccine, or less than 2 months since your J&J vaccine) there is no requirement to quarantine unless you develop symptoms. All others, stay home until 5 full days after last exposure and maintain social distance (at least 6 feet) from others at all times.  Self-monitor for symptoms for 10 days. Watch for sore throat, headache, congestion or other symptoms of COVID-19. Avoid contact with people at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19. Follow CDC guidance if symptoms develop.

Q: What if I did not have exposure, but someone in my class or office has COVID-19?

A. If you did not have direct exposure to someone with COVID-19, but you were in the area where someone has reported they are positive, you should self-monitor for symptoms but you may continue to come to class or the office. If you develop symptoms you are NOT to come to campus. 

Q: If I test positive COVID-19, what is needed for me to return?

A.  At least 5 full days have passed since symptoms first appeared and, at least 24 hours with no fever without the use of fever-reducing medication and, all symptoms have resolved or markedly improved. No clearance test is required.



If you experience symptoms of COVID-19 that include cough, fever and shortness of breath, please isolate yourself, do not come to work or campus, and seek medical attention by contacting a medical professional. Inform the medical professional of your symptoms and any recent travel or potential exposure before going to the health facility.

As with all contagious illnesses, limit the potential for exposure to other people and do not come to work


If you are required to self-quarantine due to actual exposure or a potential exposure incident, please inform your supervisor and HR Contact of your absence with the date your 10-day self-quarantine begins and ends. During the self-isolation period, it may be possible for you to work remotely. The University’s policy on telework is found at  Please note that not all individuals or positions are appropriate for assignment to telework. You may ask your supervisor about the availability of this option.   I meet with students (and/or employees, patients, customers etc.) frequently as part of my job. What should I do if I encounter someone who is obviously sick?


As with other forms of influenza or contagious disease such as the common cold, practice “social distancing” by maintaining a reasonable distance between you and the other person.  Do not shake hands or make other physical contact. Offer the person a tissue (have a box handy on your desk or at your work area) and ask the person to cover their mouth and nose if they need to cough or sneeze. After the person leaves, use an anti-bacterial wipe to clean your workstation and any area that the person may have touched.  If appropriate, suggest that the meeting be rescheduled to a time when the person is feeling better or conduct the business by email, phone or Skype.


Yes, you may consider sending an employee home if they are showing symptoms of illness. Some symptoms of COVID-19 (cough, fever, and shortness of breath) also are exhibited in other types of illness. Please do not conclude that an employee has COVID-19 based simply on your own observation; rather politely advise the employee to take a sick day. Please contact your Central OHR Business Partner for assistance with your communication to the employee.  


As NSU employees self-isolate and/or are directed to self-quarantine, this should be reported to the Office of Human Resources so that we better understand the needs of NSU employees during this time. In addition, this allows the Office of Human Resources to advance sick time when warranted, consistent with the modifications to the sick leave policy. Employees are encouraged to report their own isolation or quarantine, or HR Contacts and supervisors may also report the information. Report self-isolation or quarantine here.

NSU Health Clinics (including the Employee Health Clinic) do not provide COVID-19 screening or testing. Faculty and staff experiencing COVID-19-like symptoms are advised to isolate themselves and contact a medical professional for evaluation. 

Teledoc’s virtual physician office visit is available for those employees covered by NSU’s ICUBA health care plan. Please visit the Office of Human Resources webpage at for information on accessing Teledoc services.

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